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Sunday, April 8, 2012

You Will Not Change The World By Wearing a Hoodie

Ok people, I have to weigh in with my opinion...repeat, MY OPINION.  You may disagree, that is your right, but take my POINTS with you.

In regard to Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.  Let's put aside the emotion and discuss a couple of facts, now that what has happened has happened.

First...IF Zimmerman's judgment of Trayvon WAS racially motivated, then lets agree that THIS is an isolated incident between Zimmerman and Martin.  I bring this up because Zimmerman is not "the man" or the leader of the world.  He is one person involved in one incident.

Second...lets all agree that as high a profile case as this is with a national microscope, there is no bias against Trayvon for being black.  I think the plight is being fairly and accurately portrayed in his favor by most ALL media outlets, and his being black is not hindering any coverage or fairness.  If anything, his being black is helping his cause... for fear of any agency dropping the ball will not be tolerated by those looking in from the outside.

Now that being said, what is done is done and we cant unring that bell.  But what can people do...what to do to be heard or make a difference?  Rallying and screaming black vs white issues is not going to work, and is just going to create a societal divide.  The lack of arrest in the case has nothing to do with the races of those involved, it has to do with the fact that a "poorly worded" law, or a liberal law, is currently PROTECTING Zimmerman.  This is not the opinion of the Sanford police chief who was the first scapegoat.  The police detectives initially asked the state attorney TO PRESS charges because they felt the initial story did not wash.  The state attorney's office opted to not prosecute.  The FDLE was called in...the DOJ was called in and an audience with a grand jury has been put on the calendar to review this.  You just cannot GET anymore judicially scrutinized than this, so what higher court or power is supposed to respond to the rallies and petitions to arrest Zimmerman?

Given that, I ask...WHAT ARE THE RALLIES SUPPOSED TO ACCOMPLISH then?  Repeating, this is not a black and white issue, it is a legal issue.  It would not matter the race or color of the participants.  A less open mind will argue with me at this point to say that Trayvon was shot for being black.  That is the opinion of the onlooker, only Zimmerman knows for sure...but as I said, Zimmerman is just one man.  Only HE knows the motives of his heart, and his motives are not those of every man, or policy of law enforcement, or all of society.   If you want to call him a racist, so be it, even if it is or isnt true, but rallying in Trayvon's name, calling for an arrest and saying it is because Trayvon is black is just not productive, or accurate.  IF George shot Trayvon "for being black", a rally is not going to change or open the minds of those who currently do equate being black as being a suspect.

Stop equating Sanford with Selma.  Sanford is NOTHING like Selma was, and if you think it was, you are watering down the importance of what happened in Selma.  

Wearing a hoodie will change nothing.  Stop it.  Anyone wearing a hoodie in support of Trayvon does not have a clear concept of the issue and should develop a clearer concept.  That being said, the hoodie is a non issue.  Somehow, Trayvon was wrongly cast as a suspect.  PEOPLE, If you want to not get shot, or not appear to be a suspect, DON'T LOOK LIKE ONE. This covers all races.  Recently a national blogger wrote that white people were lucky that they will NEVER appear to be suspects.  That is just crap.  I am white, and I have been pulled over on suspicion numerous times, had my car searched MORE than a handful of times, been detained by the police on suspicion several times and actually been handcuffed during detention twice.  HERE is a link to the blog, my reply appears directly under the article:

SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC BUT RELEVANT...If I develop a fashion affectation and all of a sudden start going out in public wearing western hats, chaps and boots, I should not get offended if people THINK I like country music or horses.  If you have the appearance of a swarthy person, a violent person, a thug, a tough guy, a psycho, a homeless person, a convict, an extremist of any type, etc... and you have affected this look, you should expect to be pre-judged.  That is not just human nature, it is nature.  Watch a dog interact with other people or other dogs.  When they sense no threat, they accept, and when they sense danger or bad vibes or fear they attack.  People are largely the same way.  If you don't want to be treated as a suspect, don't look like one. That being said, appearances are not everything.  No one knows what is in a man's heart, and the guy in the suit could do you a lot more harm than the biker or homeless guy.  If your doorbell rings at 3AM who are you more scared of...a guy in a suit, a biker or a guy with dreads, pants low with underwear showing and a grill of gold?  If you gave this any thought, you are judgmental too...fear everyone.

BACK ON POINT... If you are marching, or assembling to bring attention to an issue that needs attention, more power to you.  If you are marching or assembling to say that Trayvon is not getting a fair shake, I cant agree with you because you have every court in the nation on the case, what more can you ask for?

If your answer is an arrest...then I ask you to revisit the point that no agency is willing to arrest Zimmerman because no one is YET willing to prosecute him, because simply, he is protected by the law BASED on the information and evidence the powers that be have at this time.  Period.  Hear say is not admitted, nor is opinion or feeling.  Facts are what successful prosecutions are made from.  Having said that, what is going to happen if the court decides to charge Zimmerman based on any kernel they can come up with, or just as a tool to pacify a crying public.  An arrest is not a conviction, so after a court date, Zimmerman will be released again, protected by the law.  How will the public handle it when and if Zimmerman is arrested, and cleared and released?  Will there still be a bounty on him, figuratively or literally?

IS THAT ZIMMERMAN'S FAULT?  No.  It is the fault of the law, SO, now that the wheels of justice are turning, PEOPLE I ASK YOU, what makes more sense?  Rallying about the lack of arrest, or about Trayvon being wrongly accused for being black by one man...or to use the power of numbers to assemble and get an audience to hear the real issue, the re visitation or adaptation of the law?  You wont do that wearing a hoodie, eating skittles and walking 40 miles.  Work the system.  If the system is broke or not working for you, change IT.  Currently the system is in Zimmerman's favor...and it has nothing to do with race.  If this troubles you, consult a lawmaker.  Get a petition on for that.  March for that... leave the hoodie at home.

I don't want to appear uncaring about Martin's death.  He did not need to die.  My point of this blog is just to rationally point out the real issue without emotion, as my inbox fills with invites to marches, and as I pass the marchers on the street, and hear Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton 20 miles from my house talking race, and hear my elected officials on Capitol Hill extol how they are tired of burying black the name of this incident, and lack of arrest.

ADDENDUM 4/9/12:  The Sanford PD was closed for 5 hours today while protesters engaged in the promised civil disobedience that would occur if Zimmerman were not arrested.  I offer this...if Zimmerman is protected by law, where is the justice if he is arrested...and if he is arrested and found not guilty under the same protection, it is not his being white or Trayvon being black that failed, it was the law.  Rather than being civilly disobedient, again I offer, why not work within the system to change it?  When it comes to brass tacks, the system is your issue, not race.  I also offer this scenario...if Zimmerman were black, and arrested, would there be marches in protest of his arrest because he should have been protected by the law??

Having an open mind is easy when the benefit is falling in your favor.  To be truly just and open minded means accepting things you don't necessarily agree with, in the name of liberty for all.

Link to todays fiasco:

ADDENDUM 4/10:  If you want to read some reactions by posters at Facebook, here is the first thread I shared this in: